Friday, June 17, 2011

Tomorrow, Tomorrow...

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya, Tomorrow, You're only a Da-a-a-a-ay... A-a-a-a-a...Wa-a-a-a-ay!!
I really love to day dream about Tomorrow. Tomorrow is full of conquering my fears and fulfilling my dreams. Tomorrow keeps me hopeful. Tomorrow never let's me down. Tomorrow is always there waiting for me to hurry up and arrive so I can turn all of my fantastic visions into reality. This Tomorrow I race another 5km. This Tomorrow holds my destiny in its hands. This Tomorrow is beckoning me and I am counting the hours and minutes until I can embrace it and live in it. This Tomorrow promises to be a wondrous, beautiful, glorious day. This Tomorrow is my 47th Birthday. Happy This Tomorrow to everybody. I hope yours is as magical as your dreams envision it to be.
No I did not smoke anything funny before writing this blog. I am just feeling excited about Tomorrow is all;-)


Sara Montgomery said...

Happy Birthday tomorrow, EJ! Have a good bday race!! A nice way to start off a new year if you ask me.

David said...

Happy Birthday Today. It is all about the Today. Embrace the Today and Race the Race. No drinking (or smoking) or cake till after the race. Have a great Today.

Eliza Ralph-Murphy said...

Thanks everyone for the B-Day wishes. A bit of a disappointing day for me unfortunately with a sore ankle and calf to race on but nothing a little ice and time can't heal. Looking forward to Emilie's Run next Saturday also;-)